Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Great Slush

OK, I come back into town after the holidays, and the roads are, no surprise, a giant slush puddle. (Actually, most of the side streets are OK in the Heights, except where people are shoveling out their cars).

A quick update on running conditions in my general area:

*Prospect Park loop is wet but runnable
*Brooklyn Bridge is runnable, though during the warm weekend days it's been taken over by locusts (er ah tourists - it's just as crowded as it is during the summer). Also, in the places where there is work on the pedestrian bridge, it narrows to about a lane. The plus side: I only saw one bike up there (and I was moving faster than he was).
*The 0.43 loop in Cadman Park is completely snow covered (though if you want to run loops there, you can run on the sidewalks)
*Manhattan Bridge is perfect
*Brooklyn Promenade has two very narrow paths carved out. Unfortunately, there are often people on these paths, so prepare to divert into snow if you run there (nearby Columbia Heights, which parallels the Promenade, has both the sidewalks clear and the streets open, if a bit slushy in places)
*Brooklyn Bridge Park pathway has been plowed
*WATER and bathrooms remains open during regular hours at the Pierrepont Street park off the Promenade

Happy New Year everyone!

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